The Farm's History

Deer Run Farm was established in 1996 when Ronald and Annie Stewart purchased a farm in northern Frederick County Maryland. The farm, prior to becoming DRF, started off as "multi-purpose" in the early 1900s and transitioned throughout the years from dairy, to housing dairy heifers, to a horse farm, and now to its current use: crops, beef cattle, pigs and chickens. Originally the Stewart's planned to purchase pigs and beef steers, raise all of their own feed and market the freezer meat. However, in the fall of 1996 they decided to start a herd of beef cows. After a family vote it was decided Red Angus would be the farm breed.
The first four registered Red Angus bred heifers were purchased from the Zepp family that Fall. At that time Joanna and Josh (Ronald and Annie’s son and daughter) were active in the 4-H program. Many calves were shown at the local fairs, along with pigs and lambs that were all born and raised on the farm. They slowly grew the herd over the years by keeping quality heifers and purchasing a few along the way. When Joanna and Josh left for college the pigs and sheep were sold to lessen the workload on Ronald and Annie. With only the beef cattle left on the farm, the herd slowly grew to its present size of around 39 mother cows.

Currently the farm is busy throughout the year as all forage and grain is grown here on the farm. The cow herd grazes pasture throughout the warmer months and is fed corn silage and baleage during the winter. The majority of the calves are born in March and April and are weaned from their mothers about 7 months later. After the calves are weaned, few are reserved for replacement mothers while the others are fed for freezer beef or breeding stock.
While the farm is a full time job all year round, Ronald remains the primary cattle care taker. Annie maintains farm financials and records while assisting with farm duties when necessary. The children, now grown adults, have their own careers. Joanna, once a large animal veterinarian in Minnesota, now resides in New York as a small animal veterinarian and chiropractor. She remains active on the farm by providing veterinary advice when needed and helps perform preg-checks when home visiting. Josh is a successful project manager through a regional general contractor. He and his wife, Allison, introduced the retail beef cut operation on the farm in 2016. Together they help manage and maintain the herd from birth to butcher. Retail products can be purchased directly on farm in their mini retail store or at the local farmers' markets they attend.

In May of 2017 the opportunity to own a pre-existing, successful poultry enterprise from a close neighbor came up. After a family discussion it was decided that Josh and Allison would take up ownership of the poultry enterprise from Whitmore Farms. In doing so, a new building was put up to work as an office and hatchery for more than 500+ birds with 4 different colonies (Ameraucana, Delaware, Marans and Welsummer). Allison left her job as a graphic designer to become a full time farmer and care for the birds and the business. Customers can purchase eggs directly from the farm or at the local farmers' markets they participate in. Baby chicks, started juveniles and started pullets can be ordered on our website for both pick up or shipping.