Started Pullets

Young female chickens between 12-16 weeks old.

New inventory for our started pullets will be uploaded to this page on the 15th of each month. Those birds will then be ready for pick up or shipping the first week of the following month.

(ex: January 15th upload - available 1st week of February.)


  • Minimum Requirements

    There is no minimum requirement to purchase our started pullets, but we strongly suggest purchasing two or more at a time. Integrating a single bird into an existing flock can be very stressful for that bird. If at all possible, integrating two or more at a time is ideal so that they are not singled out and picked on by the existing flock.

  • Sex Guarantee

    Our started pullets are guaranteed female. Most pullets are at least 10 weeks old when they are ready for their new homes, but we will keep them longer if there are any doubts of their sex. If a late blooming male is received by a customer, we will refund or replace that bird upon photographic proof. We cannot, under any circumstances, take miss-identified birds back due to the biosecurity risk they would pose on our farm.

  • Vaccinations

    All started pullets will have been vaccinated for Marek's Disease and come from flocks that are tested routinely for Mycoplasmas and Avian Influenza. We CANNOT and WILL NOT offer started pullets that are not vaccinated.

  • Ordering Procedures

    Orders for pullets may begin being placed on the 15th of each month until sold-out. Those orders are then filled the first Tuesday of the following month. For example, if you place an order on January 15th the order will be scheduled for a pick up or will ship out on February 7th (the first Tuesday of that month). Any order placed between Jan 15th and Feb 6th will still be shipped on Feb 7th. Orders placed after Feb 7th, but before new inventory is uploaded on Feb 15th will be shipped on the following Tuesday after the order was placed as those birds are of age and ready to go. The order and fulfillment cycle will start over on the 15th of the next month.

    We DO NOT take started pullet pre-orders for months in advance. This is due to variables including egg production, hatch rates, sex ratios and knowing grow-out space availability 2 months prior to when the started pullets become ready.

    Pick up and mail order options can be selected at checkout.

  • Order Fulfillment/Shipping Procedures

    Started Pullet orders for pick up will be contacted before the first Tuesday of the month to schedule a pick up. Boxes will be provided for pick up orders. For biosecurity reasons, we do not allow customers access to our breeding pens and do not allow customers to select their own birds. Please be on time for your scheduled pick up or call/text/email us if you're running late. We are a working farm and cannot wait around for late arrivals and don't want the birds in boxes longer than they need to be. We appreciate your cooperation.

    Mail order started pullets ship out the first Tuesday of the month. They must ship via USPS Priority Mail Express and in USPS approved live shipping boxes. The USPS approved shipping boxes are designed to hold less than 10lbs of weight with plenty of filtered airflow to protect your birds in transit. Shipping cost is calculated at check out based on the quantity of birds being purchased and the distance in which they will travel. It can be very expensive to ship started birds, but our shipping costs are calculated directly through the USPS and can not be manipulated, unfortunately. Shipped started pullets are sent with grogel (electrolytes in gel form) for hydration and typically arrive within 48 hours after shipping. Customers will be provided with tracking information as soon as we return from the post office from shipping the birds.

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Started pullets allow you to get eggs sooner without all the extra work!

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